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Unlock Your Vocal Potential: Elevate with the Session Vox Method – Virtual Training Sessions for Confident Singing!

Discover Your True Voice: Join the Session Vox Method for virtual sessions that blend traditional vocal techniques with professional studio recording skills. Accelerate your singing prowess through personalized instruction, real-world recording experiences, and immediate visual feedback via pitch correction software. Unleash your potential with the Session Vox Method – where every session brings you closer to confident, captivating performances.

Welcome to Teach Me a Tune's Studio Mastery Vocal Approach

A revolutionary approach to vocal instruction that goes beyond the conventional to unlock your true singing potential. In this unique method, we believe in mastering your voice through the art of recording, empowering you to become a versatile and confident vocalist.

Why Session Vox Works

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Real-World Application

Immediate Feedback

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Emotional Connection

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Traditional vocal studies often lack real-world application. The Session Vox Method immerses you in the studio experience from day one, teaching you how to sing and record like a seasoned professional outside of shower and car performances.

Recording your voice provides instant feedback, allowing you to identify and address areas for improvement, from pitch to rhythm and overall style. This accelerates learning, leading to faster skill acquisition and a more refined vocal technique.

Recording enhances your ability to convey emotions through your voice. By embracing the studio environment, you'll develop a deeper connection to the music, elevating your performance and hearing what you sound like against a song.

Vocal Recording

What you need

Digital Audio Workstation (DAW)

A DAW, or Digital Audio Workstation, is software for recording, editing, and producing music on a computer. It allows musicians to create and manipulate sounds in a digital environment.

Studio Headphones

Over-the-ear headphones are a type of headphones that have ear cups that go around your ears. They are designed to provide a comfortable fit and better sound isolation than other headphones.

Condenser Microphone

Compared to dynamic microphones, condenser microphones are more sensitive and can capture a broader range of frequencies, resulting in a more detailed and accurate sound. They are also typically more expensive and require an external power source, but are preferred for recording vocals, acoustic instruments, and other sources that require a high level of detail and clarity.

Audio Interface (optional)

An audio interface is a device that connects your computer to your microphone or audio equipment, allowing you to record and edit high-quality sound. It bridges your computer and audio equipment, ensuring the sound is captured accurately and without interference. While an audio interface is not always necessary, it can provide better sound quality and more control over your recordings than USB microphones. However, a USB microphone may be a more affordable and convenient option for someone just starting.


Join us on the journey to mastery with the Session Vox Method– where every note is a step closer to your dreams.

Are you ready to take your voice to new heights?


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