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Teach Me a Tune

Virtual Music Lessons

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Laptop photo composition


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All lessons are done via Zoom

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Fundamentals, vowel alignment, ear training, stylization.

Basic to advanced concepts, singing and playing together,

functional theory, song analyzation.

Basic to advanced concepts, singing and playing together,

functional theory, song analyzation.

Music Recording/Mixing/Production


Learn how to record yourself using computer software, mix and produce a song you've recorded, 

Write a song from scratch, get constructive feedback, or evaluate an existing song



Brandon has always had a natural ability to draw someone in with his passion for understanding music.  At the age of 13 he received his first guitar as a gift from his Dad, who was an avid guitar player.  After a few tips from his Dad, Brandon was hooked for life.   


​Brandon began teaching guitar back in his hometown of New Jersey while he started his music degree at community college and at the University of Montclair. Over the years, he has developed a wide range of styles, including Blues, Pop, Jazz, Rock, and Alternative. Brandon has 24 years of experience on acoustic and electric guitar and has been teaching music for the past 14 years.


Brandon has also been highly endorsed by revered voice instructor Jeff Rolka, a colleague and collaborator who has established 100k subscribers on YouTube. 

Music Production


Per Hour


Per Month


Four Lessons

Book a free 15 minute meeting with me right now.


Opening the books...

© Teach Me a Tune - Virtual Music Lessons​

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